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Khasi Hills Ecosystem Private, Ltd.

Khasi Hills Ecosystem Pvt Ltd, (KHEPL) was registered on 28 August 2017 as a private company under India Company Act 2013.

Business and Management Consultant

KHEPL acts as a business and management consultant to socially responsible micro-businesses and organizations providing livelihood opportunities for forest community at the base of the pyramid.

Agent to Provide Marketing

KHEPL acts as an agent to provide marketing, sales, and brokerage solutions for environmental service payments.

Contracts that support Environmental Services

KHEPL enters into contracts with domestic and foreign companies and organizations for supporting environmental services in the forestry sector.

Increase Livelihood in Rural Communities

KHEPL acts as a consultant to build capacity of entrepreneurial business enterprises to increase livelihood in rural communities.

Our Mission

KHEPL provides support and business expertise to organizations working towards climate change resilience, sustainable natural resource management, conserving biodiversity, creating livelihood opportunities, environmental education and outreach, and generating opportunities for women-run enterprise, youth, and community entrepreneurs.

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