Ri-Bhoi Forest Restoration Project

Ri-Bhoi Forest Restoration Project

This project started in 2015 when the Synjuk initiated an extension of the project through planning, planting, and monitoring trees for REDD+ outside the project area. Initial meetings were held to discover interest throughout the Ri-Bhoi area and found the people of Bhoirymbong and Mawtneng village ready to join the action to conserve the forest and form SHGs for socio economic development, as well as convergence. The Synjuk is fortunate to partner with WeForest from Belgium to fund the plantation and monitoring of 3,200 hectares of trees, without claiming the carbon. The forest land under plantation, with an average of 833 trees per hectare, belongs to eight different communities, clans, institutions, and private landowners. The Project has also extended and revived the Lum Diengiei Sacred Grove with an area of 49 hectares and have reserved 50 hectares of forest in Kut village for reforestation.

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