This short film was made by WeForest, one of the contributors to the forest restoration project in the Khasi Hills. It briefly describes the activities of the Synjuk in the project area to enable natural forest regeneration, women-run tree nurseries for tree planting, conversion to LP gas cooking, and outreach environmental education, etc. in order to reduce social pressure on the forest. (WeForest, Brussels, Belgium, 2016, 3.5 minutes). To view this film, click on this link.


Daren Howarth of C-Level, UK introduces this short video to explain the global reach and impact of Plan Vivo, UK. Its certification of projects assists rural communities to increase livelihood through better management of their forests, water, flora, and fauna. The Khasi Hills REDD project is featured in a short segment narrated by Dr. Mark Poffenberger. The video was produced and directed by Daren Howarth (C-Level, UK, 2014, 3.5 min).


This short video summarizes the achievements of the indigenous Khasi community of Mawphlang to implement India’s 1 st community forest carbon project in NE India. This project is now registered and certified under the Plan Vivo, UK voluntary standard for carbon offset credits. CFI produced this video in order to introduce prospective carbon brokers and buyers to the project and the Khasi community. One of India’s celebrated documentary film makers, Ms. Minnie Vaid, directed the film. (Little Doc Productions, Mumbai, India, 2012, 7.5 min).

For more films and videos on KHEPL partners, click on this link.

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